I read this week that half of the US population is now under forty. Having long passed that age, it is tempting to say to the new majority in mock flippancy that the world is your problem now. Of course, the truth is that it will take all of us to try and set things right, and we have to believe that is possible. Still, with so much devastation and proudly intentional denial in the air, it is increasingly hard to keep life in perspective, or to retain hope for the future.
So when a kindness occurs, as it did to me this week, it stands out. I received a request from a website to publish a poem of mine containing a few lessons I’ve learned in life. Reading it again after the passage of time, its message offers some hope for these times.
I might have shared it here, but the website, https://www.familyfriendpoems.com, contains much more worth your visit. After you have looked around the site, you can find Life Lines there. Making your own list of lessons may be a good way to start healing our world.