Not Opening Day

Opening day for Major League Baseball was to be today, a ritual and celebration of Spring and sport greater than Easter to many fans. As with so many things affected by the coronavirus, there will be no baseball today and probably for quite some time. Health and safety trump (lower case) even baseball, as they should, but a moment of silence in lieu of “Play Ball” is still warranted.

With that thought, here is a poem from How Not to Write a Poem, and Other Poems:

Field of Dreams

                  “Baseball is more than a game.  It is life played out on a field.”

                  Juliana Hatfield

The magic that occurs to a little leather ball

in the sixty odd feet between the pitcher’s mound 

and home plate is proof if any is needed

that God exists and that he invented baseball

And if you marvel at the complexities 

of nature and the mysteries of the universe

you can trace the mischief in his fingerprints 

through the mystic depths of the infield fly rule

that quantum state in which a dropped fly

is deemed caught even if it could not have been –

as mysterious as the retrograde of planets

retracing their arcs in the night sky

Where else can cold-blooded statisticians

and grass-stained boys share the uncommon joy

of twelve extra hits in a season

or stand in awe of a sinking fastball

inhale the scent of newly mown grass

hear the crack of hand-sewn leather on ash or

believe the dream of a walk off homer in the ninth?

It may be only a sand lot – but it is also Wrigley Field

Life may feel as cruel and unfair at times 

as a called strike that was high inside

but in baseball every day is opening day and 

hope lives forever in the two words “Play ball!”

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